Using the technique of Mark Tansey. The idea is to apply a layer of paint over a surface primed with gesso and acrylic medium. Then it is a matter of wiping back. Mixed results. The first picture isMarkTansey's. The second one is mine - from a photo I took in Barcelona.
Was asked by a representative of the FRANS organisation to contribute an art work for auction. I did two canvases - they all had to be 12" x 10". The organisation does good work with disabled people. It is hoped that the auction raises lots of money for the ongoing activities.
We intended to have a quick look - but ended up spending 2 hours or so absorbed in looking at the fantastic work. His kinetic sculptures are inspiring engineering feats. The ones in the exhibition were evokative and powerful. This item was metal spokes arranged on a sloping see sawing piece of wood, and it was quite mesmerising.
And his films made from direct painting were wonderful.