Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Santa Cecilia in Trastevere

Santa Cecilia in Trastevere is a 5th-century church in Trastevere Rome. The first church on this site was founded probably in the 3rd century,it is said that the church was built over the house of the martyred saint.
Rather modest looking from the outside due to some renovations in the 1700s.
The apse has remains of 9th century mosaics depicting the Redeemer with Saints Paul, Cecilia, Paschal I, Peter, Valerian, and Agatha.

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I had to pick up this image below from the web because the light was dim making it hard to focus the camera. Looks as though the character on the left was 'revised'

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In front of the altar is a glass case enclosing the white marble sculpture of St Cecilia (1600) by the late-Renaissance sculptor Stefano Maderno.  It is strikingly beautiful

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The crypt is highly decorated and contains the relics of St. Cecilia and her husband St. Valerian. 

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